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Why does it matter to me, to delay post graduation by 7 years after MBBS?

The rains has just stopped here at Sittilngi, a tribal village in Tamilnadu. The crickets are singing constantly, the water is dripping from the roof and I had to walk through a pool of water in darkness, since power is gone. My musings are chaotic but are held together by a sane experience of rural life, that has almost become a part of my identity. Looking back, life does seem like a roller coaster ride, yet in a slow pace, that made me realise who I am, to myself. This journey had it's own bumps and humps, struggles and turbulence but whose life doesn't have it anyways? What matters is what I have right now and that is Peace.  Being brought up in a town and then shifting my base to a medical college in a city, I had no clue of what a village life means, leave alone a tribal village. To start with, it was never about, ' Rural Service ' as people would call it. It was essentially an escape route away from the post graduation entrance preparation.  During college, medic...

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